Informazioni sul Programma di condizionamento dell’apparato digerente SUCCEED®

 Per un vero amante dei cavalli, ciò che importa è fare le cose nella maniera giusta e vantaggiosa per il cavallo. Se desidera che il Suo cavallo sia al 100%, deve dare il 100%.

Per questa ragione, si assicura che i Suoi cavalli ottengano le giuste cure, la giusta alimentazione… e SUCCEED.

I veri amanti di cavali in tutto il mondo utilizzano SUCCEED, un approccio naturale alla gestione della salute digestiva del cavallo, compresi stomaco e intestino caudale. Sanno che un apparato digerente sano favorisce tutti gli aspetti della salute di un cavallo, favorendone di conseguenza anche le prestazioni, il comportamento e tutto il resto.

Tra gli usi di SUCCEED:

  • Compensazione di insufficienza cronica della funzione dell’intestino tenue.
  • Compensazione di affezioni digestive croniche dell’intestino crasso.
  • Ripresa nutrizionale, convalescenza.

Programma di condizionamento dell’apparato digerente SUCCEED®: La ricetta per il successo

Il Programma di condizionamento dell’apparato digerente SUCCEED è un prodotto serio per veri amanti dei cavalli. È l’unico integratore alimentare digestivo per cavalli con più brevetti in tutto il mondo. È una formula brevettata di ingredienti nutrizionali con qualità e purezza superiori, tra i quali:

Olio di avena


L’olio di avena viene estratto attraverso un processo unico, atto a conservare una concentrazione elevata di lipidi polari, molecole di grasso specializzate, che offrono un’ampia gamma di benefici all’intestino.

Crusca di avena


Processiamo un tipo di avena ricca di crusca e a basso contenuto di amido affinché conservi una concentrazione elevata di beta-glucano, che favorisce l’assorbimento dei nutrienti e aiuta a moderare il tasso di digestione.

Prodotti del lievito


Il lievito include un beta-glucano e un mannano-oligosaccaride derivanti dal ceppo di lievito Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ricco di nucleotidi, necessari per lo sviluppo e la guarigione cellulari.



L’amminoacido L-arginina è importante per una corretta funzione immunitaria, per la riparazione dei tessuti, per una circolazione sana e per il potenziamento delle capacità di esercizio.



La L-Treonina favorisce la produzione di mucina, componente necessaria del muco che lubrifica e protegge la mucosa intestinale.

Dettagli dell’etichettatura del prodotto e della composizione

Maggiori informazioni sugli ingredienti di SUCCEED

I veri amanti dei cavalli sanno che SUCCEED è supportato da studi scientifici rigorosi. E, cosa ancora più importante, sanno che funziona. La ricerca e i dati sono disponibili presso il Centro Veterinario di SUCCEED.

È pronto a utilizzare SUCCEED? Parli con il Suo chirurgo veterinario oggi stesso.

Etichettatura del prodotto:






Utilizzare il Programma di condizionamento dell’apparato digerente SUCCEED®

Mantenere la salute digestiva del Suo cavallo in condizioni ottimali è importante. Con SUCCEED, è anche facile. Basta somministrare una sola porzione di SUCCEED una volta al giorno, tutti i giorni, insieme al regolare foraggio. È tutto.

Si consiglia di consultare un veterinario prima dell’uso o prima di prolungare il periodo di utilizzo.

Opzioni prodotto SUCCEED

La stessa fantastica formula di SUCCEED è disponibile in pasta orale o granuli da aggiungere al pasto.

Succeed Carton and Buckets

Testimonianze su SUCCEED:

Jesmond Renard (Foxy) arrived with us in October 2023, having had a short break at the end of the event season, ready for us to get to know him over the winter months

We were warned that he suffers with difficulties with his skin, with it often being very sensitive, flaky and scabby, and that he always needed to wear a heavy duty fly rug in the summer otherwise he would rub his mane and tail out  He had recently been clipped when he arrived, and his skin was quite flaky and everything seemed to rub him  He wasn’t fan of being groomed, and would tense up and move away from you if he thought he was going to be brushed, and the same when you tacked up

We managed all these little things carefully, and kept on top of saddle fitting, physio, chiropractor etc, but as training increased and competitions started he seemed to get more and more tense, particularly in the dressage phase, and he often had runny poo at even the sound of the lorry being started up, going to any training, being plaited the night before an event, or any changes in his routine  He was also becoming less interested in food, which was worrying given that he was always a really good eater and not at all fussy, and we were worried he was dropping condition  He seemed quite unsettled in the stable and did a lot of pacing around and digging up the bed  However, as always, he tried his hardest and never complained, but we still felt things were just not quite right  The main indications we had when he was ridden was that he swished his tail quite all the time, he seemed to get quite tense and upset easily when schooling and in the dressage arena, and he was jumping a bit hollow in the showjumping, but he still approached everything he did with such enthusiasm and tried so hard, it was difficult to decide where the problem lay

The runny poo started to get worse until it was like that all the time, and we were really struggling to get food down him, I would stand for hours hand feeding him bit by bit, but he really wasn’t that interested  We tried various options of feed, gut balancers and supplements, but nothing seemed to make any difference

In June 2024, Emma from SUCCEED® approached us at Nunney Horse Trials where she was talking to people about SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program™  Having discussed Foxy with her, she offered us a 3-month trial on SUCCEED We gave him 2 weeks on a loading dose of 2 syringes a day and then dropped it to maintenance of 1 a day, putting it back up to 2 at times of stress It took probably 3-4 weeks before we saw a difference, but when we did it was amazing The tail swishing had stopped, the stress reaction diarrhoea was improving, and he was becoming more tolerant of being touched and groomed Emma supported us throughout and I was able to ask her at any time for advice

In the sixth week of being on the trial, Foxy was due to compete at Bishop Burton in the J2*L Emma advised us to put him on 2 syringes a day just before and during the event and topped us up with syringes to make sure we had enough to cover the extra needed

The journey to Bishop Burton was 7-8 hours with a stop in a strange place in the middle, and he was to spend the whole week stabled when he is used to 24/7 turnout, not to mention then usual stress and excitement associated with an event  We were very worried beforehand how this would affect him, and were frantically thinking of all the ways we could make it as least stressful as possible, as in the past the combination of things would have triggered quite a big stress reaction  But we needn’t have worried He was totally calm and relaxed all the time and just took it in his stride  He never had any runny poo, he ate brilliantly and he seemed totally comfortable and at ease from start to finish

Performance wise, he was the most rideable he has ever been in a competition which reflected in his mark putting him in the top 10 after dressage He stormed around the cross country and recovered very quickly despite the course being long and hilly  Show jumping has always been

Holly & Flora Spenlove – Brown Eventing

È pronto a sostenere la salute digestiva e le prestazioni del Suo cavallo con SUCCEED?

In Europa, SUCCEED è disponibile per l'acquisto esclusivamente attraverso chirurghi veterinari. Per acquistare, contatti il Suo veterinario.

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